11:30AM- 30 Minutes at the Gym for Pushups and Abs. (This lunchtime workout my mostly to get me out of the office without going out to eat ever day.
6:30PM- 90 Minutes at the Gym with Josh for Chest and Arms
11:30AM- 30 Minutes at the Gym for Pushups and Abs.
6:30PM- 4.5 mile run with Local running club
11:30AM- 30 Minutes at the Gym for Pushups and Abs.
6:30PM- 90 Minutes at the Gym with Josh for back and shoulders
11:30AM- 30 Minutes at the Gym for Pushups and Abs.
6:30PM- 5-6 mile run with Local running club
11:30AM- 30 Minutes at the Gym for Pushups and Abs.
6:30PM- 90 Minutes at the Gym with Josh for Chest and Arms
0600- Long Run 16-22 Miles
6:30PM- 90 Minutes at the Gym with Josh for Back and Shoulders
Sometimes I just don't feel like going! Tonight was a good example. I ended up working late and didn't get home till 7:30. I knew if I missed it would effect my son as well so we headed out and got our workout in. A free plug for Nike here. JUST DO IT!
This photo was taken of me this weekend at the beach (yes, I skipped several workouts). It was about time for us to leave the beach and get something to eat so I grabbed my shirt and put it on. I didn't realize till later that I had grabbed the wrong shirt. The ADHD shirt I was wearing was my 15 year old sons shirt!
I would have never fit into that shirt 4 months ago. Being an ADHD kid myself, I decided to go ahead and wear the shirt for the rest of the day to celebrate.