Monday, September 7, 2009

17 Mile Pilgrimage run in WV

I arrived at home in the little town of Lizemores West Virginia on Friday. I knew I needed to do a long run over the weekend which would probably be my last long run before my marathon. Since my 25 year class reunion was Saturday afternoon, I chose a Saturday morning run. It can be hard to find a place to run in Clay and wherever you run you're going to be dodging coal trucks.

I chose a one way run that would take be past some significant landmarks. I started out early in the morning at my home in Grassy Fork, not far from my elementary school. About 4 miles into my run I had to climb Holcomb Hill which is more of a mountain than a hill. After about a mile, I made it to the top and passed the Holcomb Memorial gardens where many of my relatives are located. From there I had some smoothe sailing miles with only one small climb before the Hartland bridge which crosses the Elk river.

About 13 miles into my run I finally made it to Clay County High School. I took a diversion down past the school which was one of he best parts of my run. From there I headed back up to highway 16 and into the town of Clay and past my junior high school on the hill.

I found it entertaining to have people looking at the idiot running through town and enjoyed yelling "Hello Clay County!" as I passed the flee market in the old IGA parking lot. It's also interesting that in all the running I've done at home, I've never passed another person running or jogging.

From there I ran out of town and towards the crossroads at Two Run where I spent many weekends at my Grandma Phililps home. My run ended at the Go Mart with strangely enough has become the happening place in Clay.

It was a good run. Surprisingly easy to complete and very relaxing, almost "Zen like". I can't remember a more enjoyable trail.

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